Becoming a Sub

Becoming a Sub

When dating without expectations you open yourself to a world of unlimited opportunities and with a bi of luck, you might end up pleasantly surprised. Working in a male-dominated environment makes it impossible not to socialise predominantly with the opposite sex. But onceContinue Reading >

Dating Without Expectations

Dating Without Expectations

Sometimes, when things get hard, and you see one dating failure succeeding another one, it’s hard not to lose hope and not to give up on your search for love all together. When it comes to dating, after seeing my catastrophes repeating themselvesContinue Reading >

A Validation to A Shuttered Ego or A Self-Destructive Pattern?

A Validation to A Shuttered Ego or A Self-Destructive Pattern?

There’s always one guy that you always knew was completely wrong for you in every possible sense, but you still went for it – if for no other reason, maybe because there is always something incredibly hot about sleeping with someone that youContinue Reading >

What We Are Not

What We Are Not

 You know the jitters you get when you go on a first date? The nerve-wrecking anxiousness of what to wear, what to say, how to behave? Every girl is familiar with it. My experience with Gerald was nothing like that… It was oneContinue Reading >

Getting Back Your Things After a Break-Up

Getting Back Your Things After a Break-Up

  It's all fun and games when a relationship is new and you are slowly trying to make your way in your guy's life... and his house. So leaving some stuff over at his place is always a good way to start (seeContinue Reading >

Cheating – The Other Side of the Coin


Cheating – The Other Side of the Coin

  It took me quite a while to sit down and put this topic into words. Maybe it’s because I didn’t know how I felt about it, maybe it’s because I didn’t even want to admit it, but for whatever reason, this tookContinue Reading >